Tend & Thrive
As the days come and go, often the spark within you that needs tending to the most gets passed by. By and by, the days carry on until a day comes along that calls to you to tend. It is then, in this moment, that you can begin to find your way to true self. As you practice tuning in to this place of truth within yourself, and following it’s leads, your options become plentiful. As you commit to coaching you are committing to creating the time and space to tend and to thrive.
The common thread of my work revolves around the spirit of creativity, personal leadership and a self created life. I practice from the belief that we each innately posses openness and curiosity, the building blocks of creativity. I trust that your true passion and peace is found in accessing the freedom within this natural creativity. By spending time nurturing what is most essential to you, you are able to resource your original creative spirit and with that, craft the life you desire.
Independent Creative Professionals
Amplifying the power of personal leadership in the self-created professional, is an area of my work that really gets me going! When you're creating and running your own business, partnering with a coach to craft and shape your business so that it is connected to your individual spirit is a must do. Coaching helps you get clear about your intentions, set goals, and make them happen. Not to mention, determine if your core beliefs are serving you or holding you back as you work to grow your business.
Let's find out if what you want is truly for your ultimate good and benefit. Are you able to carry out the creation of what you want to completion? Once your goal is achieved, what will you do with it and how will having accomplished it change you?
Partnerships & Parenting
Life is all about growing—growing up, growing old, and in relationship, growing together. As creative individuals you are naturally curious and open. As you learn to cultivate this same curiosity and openness in your relationships, you'll find our way to acceptance and love, which radically shapes your togetherness. Let's work together to create relationships rooted in tenderness and transparency. As you become grounded in a foundation of compassion for yourself and others, you'll gain clarity, consistency and rest in your newly discovered resources to move more smoothly along the road ahead.
Adolescent & Young Adult
The early days of discovering identity and then navigating career-related choice are remarkable, and also remarkably challenging. Thirteen to twenty-something can be a difficult time through which to find your way. The journey of discovering who you are is all too quickly trampled by the pressure to know what it is you want to be and do with your life. Let's discover your personal process and strengths on which you can depend as you step out and take responsibility for yourself. By accessing personal truths, and discovering what’s percolating inside, you will learn to rest in yourself and find your path in this invigorating place in life.
Adoption & The Whole Family
So you're growing your family through adoption, or maybe just exploring the idea. No matter which member of the 'adoption constellation' you are, the journey can come with challenges. Pre-Adoption coaching helps you to cultivate mindfulness on your journey and to honor the knowing within you during this involved process of choice.
Already parenting in an adoptive family? In addition to supporting and inspiring you in your parenting, you'll explore opportunities to visualize and create relationships grounded in openness and love, for the benefit of the whole family.
I offer workgroups with special focus in these areas. Please visit my Services page to learn about the current workgroups offered.